Like most behavioural patterns, its origins often lie in
early family dynamics
or in our wider environment in early childhood. More often than not, adults who over-perform themselves to exhaustion, learnt in childhood that
love, approval and validation were conditional, tied to meeting adult expectations. Whether it was performance in the classroom, sports or the arts, having to help out with younger siblings and taking responsibility far too soon or living within a plain dysfunctional dynamic like addiction and/or abuse... If at all, their
needs were only being met in return for meeting someone's expectations. In addition, some of these kids were punished whenever they
live up to the standards - yet another incentive to constantly remain alert, ready to do what was needed to stay in the good books.
If that sounds like you, watch the below video and
ask yourself these questions
to de-bunk the myth that you have to do anything to be loved, valued or respected:
→ Who you were TRYING TO IMPRESS as a child, and who did you have to be, to please them?
→ How can you give up the SECRET BENEFITS you are getting from putting pressure on yourself?
→ How can you bring CHOICE back into your life?